Friday, July 15, 2011

Week Seven - Blog: Video Reviews

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
i really didnt have any reason for picking these videos i just chose the first 4. I didnt really know anything about the videos so either way i would learn something 
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In the drawings of Michelangelo video they just want to show us what his paintings look like together.
The leonardo da vinci video was basically a bio of his lifes work and shows how he was a great factor in the renaissance. 
The power of art video showed how paintings showed in your face drama and how the paintings made you feel as if you were there. They basically just analyze these paintings.
La primavera talks about so called unappropriate art and how stupid people can be and want to decide what can be considered art and what can be showed or not. I think people can be so ignorant

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos go into a little more detail and they give us more of a visual. With this i feel i can learn better and more
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts? All the videos were basically the same but the one that stood out the most to me was the power of art and La Primavera im a very religious person and this caught my attention with these paintings. The La primavera is very interesting i love when people become unruly over something as little as art when theres way bigger issues.

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