Thursday, August 11, 2011

Project #5 Art Criticism Article

1. Which projects did you review?
I reviewed simone zinns emotion and art project
2. Why did you select the Exhibit you critiqued?
Because feeling and art go hand in hand and i believe that it would be  the easiest to do.
3. What challenges did you face in writing the critique article and how did you overcome them?
None it was pretty staright forward and easy i enjoyed thiis last project and had a good time.
4. How do you feel about critiquing your peers work?
It was ok but i dont think i would be to harsh to my peers because they are not professionals and its hard to really critic them to the fullest.
5. Would you like to read the critique your peers wrote about your Art Curation Project?
no i would not because i dont like to be critiqued to harsh my feelings would be hurt if they graded me to hard.
6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your finished article and why?
Im not really a good writer but i would give my final a 10

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